A few Gauls ... (English US)

The hero of these adventures is Asterix. He is a cunning, quick-witted little warrior, so all the dangerous missions are automatically entrusted to him. Asterix owes his superhuman strength to the magic potion brewed by the Druid, Magigimmix ...
Magigimmix, the venerable village druid, gathers mistletoe and concocts magic potions. His greatest discovery is the potion that confers superhuman strength on all who imbibe it. But Magigimmix has other recipes up his sleeve ...
Malacoustix is the bard. Opinion is divided as to his talent. He thinks it is laudable, but everyone else finds it deplorable. However, as long as he keeps his mouth shut he is a jolly companion esteemed by all ...
Obelix is the side-kick of Asterix. He is a menhir delivery-man by trade, and relishes wild boar. Obelix is always ready to drop everything order to seek new adventures with Asterix ... as long as the wild boar is plentiful and the fighting is rough ...
Finally, there is Macroeconomix, chief of the tribe. This majestic, courageous and touchy old warrior is respected by his men and feared by his enemies. Macroeconomix has just one fear - that the sky may fall on his head. But as he himself would say, "Fat chance!"