Asterix speaks English - Great-Britain

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Anthea Bell and Derek Hockridge [1-36]
Adriana Hunter [37-]
Obelix's Motto
These Romans are crazy!
A few of the Gauls ...
Sphere / Little, Brown (publisher)
Anthea Bell's remarks on the challenge of translating Asterix (web.archive)
wikipedia: English language
wikipedia: Asterix English
Asterix English on the map
Asterix in English
Publisher: Sphere (Little, Brown / Hachette)
UK market
  • Brockhampton Press Ltd, UK[albums: 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,14-19]
  • Knight Books, Brockhampton Press Ltd, UK [albums: 1,4,6,7,8,10,12,14] (half size-edition)
  • Hodder Dargaud, London, United Kingdom [albums: 1-27]
  • Hodder and Stoughton [albums: 1-30]
  • P.B.S. Limited Victoria Mills, Manchester, UK [albums: 1,4,7,8,10,14] ('Total' edition)
  • Orion Children's Books (Hachette) [albums: 1-38]
  • Sphere (Little, Brown / Hachette) (recent)
Outside UK market
  • Hodder Daurgaud Canada Ltée [albums: 1-24] (Canadian market)
  • William Morrow and Company, INC New York, USA [albums: 1,6,10] (USA market)
  • Macmillan Publishing Company Inc., New York, USA (USA market)
  • Dargaud Publishing International Ltd., USA [albums: 1-24] (USA market)
  • Editiones del Prado, Spain [albums: 1-24] (for Spanish market)
  • Istituto geografico De Agostini S.p.A., Novara, Italy [albums: 1-24] (for Italian market)
  • Hachette India / Sphere: compact omnibus, four titles each book (jan 2023)

  1. Asterix the Gaul [1] (1969) Dar-int Dar-int2 Knight-b&w Morrow Orion (2) omni1 gift compact1
  2. Asterix and Cleopatra [6] (1969) Knight-b&w Morrow Canada Agostini Dar-int Dar-int2 Orion (2)
  3. Asterix the gladiator [4] (1969) Hod-Dar Knight-b&w Dar-int Orion (2) omni2
  4. Asterix in Britain [8] (1970) Knight-b&w Dar-int Dar-int2 Orion film Orion(2)
  5. Asterix the legionary [10] (1970) Knight-b&w Hod-Dar Dar-int Orion omni4
  6. Asterix in Spain [14] (1971) Dar-int Orion (2)
  7. Asterix and the big fight [7] (1971) Knight B&W Hod-Dar Dar-int Orion (2) omni3
  8. Asterix and the Roman agent [15] (1972) Dar-int Orion (2)
  9. Asterix at the Olympic games [12] (1972) B&W Prado Orion (2)
  10. Asterix in Switzerland [16] (1973) Knight Dar-int Orion (2) omni6
  11. The mansions of the gods [17] (1973) Knight Dar-int Orion compact5
  12. Asterix and the laurel wreath [18] (1974) Dar-int Orion
  13. Asterix and the Goths [3] (1974) Knight Hod-Dar Hod-Dar2 Dar-int Orion (2)
  14. Asterix and the soothsayer [19] (1975) Hod-Dar Orion (2) omni7
  15. Asterix and the golden sickle [2] (1975) Hod-Dar2 Dar-int Dar-int2 Orion (2)
  16. Asterix and the great crossing [22] (1976) Knight Dar-int Orion (2) omni8
  17. Asterix and the cauldron [13] (1976) Orion (2) omni5
  18. Asterix and the chieftain's shield [11] (1977) Dar-int Orion (2)
  19. Asterix and Caesar's gift [21] (1977) Hod-Dar Dar-int Orion compact6
  20. Asterix and the Normans [9] (1978) Hod-Dar Orion (2) compact3
  21. Obelix and Co. [23] (1978) Orion (2)
  22. Asterix and the banquet [5] (1979) Dar-int Orion (2) compact2
  23. Asterix in Corsica [20] (1979) Orion (2)
  24. Asterix in Belgium [24] (1980) Prado Dar-int Orion (2)
  25. Asterix and the great divide [25] (1981) Orion (2) omni9
  26. Asterix and the black gold [26] (1982) Orion (2)
  27. Asterix and son [27] (1983) Orion2
  28. Asterix and the magic carpet [28] (1988) Orion (2) omni10
  29. Asterix and the secret weapon [29] (1991) Orion (2)
  30. Asterix and Obelix all at sea [30] (1996) Orion (2)
  31. Asterix and the actress [31] (2001) Orion2 omni11
  32. Asterix and the Class Act [32] (2003) Orion2
  33. Asterix and the falling sky [33] (10.2005) Design Orion2
  34. Asterix and Obelix's Birthday [34] 'The Golden Book' (10.2009) omni12
  35. Asterix and the Picts [35] (10.2013)
  36. Asterix and the missing scroll [36] (10.2015)
  37. Asterix and the Chariot Race [37] (10.2017) omni13
  38. Asterix and the Chieftain’s daughter [38] (10.2019)
  39. Asterix and the Griffin [39] (10.2021)
  40. Asterix and the white iris [40] (10.2023)

The year is 50 B.C. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well not entirely! One small village of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the invaders. And life is not easy for the Roman legionaries who garrison the fortified camps of Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium...

Publisher: Egmont, Berlin, Germany.
Special edition Easy Language, on the occasion of the Special Olympics World Games, Berlin 2023.
The translation of Bell and Hockridge was transferred into Easy Language by Ursula Semlitsch, for "people who don't understand English very well".

  1. Asterix at the Olympic games [12] (2023)

Our story takes place in the year 50 before Christ. Over 2,000 years ago.
The Romans have taken over Gaul completely. Well, not completely...
One Gaulish village defends itself against the Roman army.
The Roman soldiers have 4 camps close by:
Aquarium, Totorum, Laudanum and Compendium.

Last update of this page: 07 February 2025