Asterix speaks Antillean Creole - France (Guadeloupe & Martinique)

Click here for covers overview
Click for covers overview

Hector Poulet & Jean-Marc Rosier [25]
Jo Clémence & Jean-Marc Rosier [15]
Obelix's Motto
Men, sé Romen ta-a fou-dekdek!
A few of the Gauls ...
Caraibéditions (publisher)
Asterix in Creole (official site *archived)
wikipedia: Antillean Creole
Asterix Antillean Creole on the map
Asterix in Antillean Creole
Publisher: Caraibéditions
Gran kannal is translated in the Creole of Guadeloupe and Martinique, islands of the French Antilles. In the story, the right part of the village speaks Guadeloupe creole and the left side Martique creole. Asterix village speaks a mix of both (but basically Martiniquais). The translators have used one variant for each character for the presentation page: Asterix is Guyane créole, Obelix is Guadeloupe, Panoramix is Haiti, Balakadrix is Saintes, Majorix is Martinique.

  1. Gran kannal la [25] (4.2008) map!
  2. La zizanni [15] (12.2009)

Sé Albert Uderzo ki maké-y épi désiné-y; Sé Hector Poullet ek Jean-Marc Rosier ki mofeazé-y an kréyol. [25]
50 lanné avan Jézikri. Tout péyi Lagol anbajouk sé Romen-an... Tout? An-an! Kanmensa, té ka resté on tiseksion a péyi-la ola on bann Golwa gérilas té ka dérifizé bésétet douvan sé kolonizatè-la. Épi pou di lafwanch-vérité, lavi-a pa sitelman fasil ba garnizon sé léjionnè women an ka viv barikaé adan kazèn-yo, Sakawonm, Bikawonm, Béwonm épi Tibolonm...

Last update of this page: 07 February 2025