Asterix speaks Greenlandic (Kalaallit Oqaasii) - Greenland | ||||||
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Asterix in Greenlandic |
Publisher: Newspaper Atuagagdliutit / Grønlandsposten (newspaper edition) |
Newspaper appearance only. Published from 16th September 1981 to 4th August 1982 in the newspaper Atuagagdliutit / Grønlandsposten. The newspaper has been archived at Start with 1981, volume 121, issue 38 (16.09.1981), page 1. Note: Greenland is a part of Denmark, and the title is Danish, however the story itself is not Danish, but Inuktitut, which is not of Indo-European origin. The language is officially refered to as 'Kalaallit Oqasii', ie. 'language of the Greenlanders'... Information by Nunatta Atuagaateqarfia, det gronlandske landsbibliotek.
Oqaluttuaq manna pisimasuuvoq ukiumi 50imi Kristusip inunngornerata siorna. Tulorutsit (franskit) nunarsuat taamani GALLIAmik taaneqartartoq CAESARip sakkutoorpassuinit tiguarneqarsimavoq, tassa ruumamiunit. Galliamiut imaannaanngitsorsuit ruumamiut naalagaaffissuannut naalattussaannanngorsimanerlutik? Sumi tamarmi eqqissisimaneqarnerluni? lla naamik! Avani ikerasassuup Kanalip timinnguani nunaqarfinnguaqarpoq malartitassaanngivissunik inulimmik! Taakku imaannaanngitsorsuupput sakkutuunullu tiguaasunut nakkaannarumanngivillutik. Ruumamiut sakkutooqarfii nunaqarfinnquup eqqaaniittut Akvarium, Solarium, Terrarium, Perikumilu ila ajornartorsiutissaqaqaat. |
Last update of this page: 21 November 2023 |