Translation updates |
New info? Please send us an
9.24 |
8.24 |
- Bulgarian Legioner [10] /Christian/
At the start of the olympic games in Paris, some surprises:
Latvian [12] (new book since almost 30 years) /Yann/
- ⚠ First official Lithuanian edition [12] /Christian/
- ⚠ New Silesian language [12] /Maciej/
- Also returning after twenty years: Estonian Obelix & Co [23] Go Baltics! /Christian/
- Irish Helvetes [16] Divide [25] for September /Yann,Renee/
- US Papercutz introduces "Asterix Collector" single story volumes, with extra background info, from November.
- Omnibus news. German Egmont reveils the cover of a new "Omnibus Edition" containing three stories. And Bonusmaterial.
English Sphere continues the five story "Gift Edition" (April 25).
Italian Panini now has the third Omnibus, with no less than six stories each.
7.24 |
- Turkish Iris [40] and Britain [8]
- Nice. Three Vietnamese Asterix [11][12][13] /Christian, Renee/
6.24 |
- Argentine Spanish Lirio blanco [40] /Christian/.
- American English Chariot race [37] announced for 2025 in omnibus #13 (with [38][39] already published separately).
4.24 |
3.24 |
- Iris [40] in Czech announced for may.
2.24 |
- Three titles [3][4][5] with Alfa in Turkish /Christian/
- Hungarian Griff [39] with Mora for preorder /Christian/
1.24 |
- Cauldron [13] with Graffit in Slovenian /Christian/
12.23 |
- Grifon [39] with Graffit in Slovenian /Christian/
- Iris [40] with Čarobna in Serbian /Christian/
11.23 |
- Four(!) new Mundart titles in the Egmont shop for 2024:
Sächsisch [25], Oberfränkisch [10], Hessisch [7], und Pfälzisch [4]. /Renee, Comedix/
10.23 |
- Froskur with Icelandic Ástríkur [4] /Christian/
- Öcher Platt did it again [11] Asterix (in Burtscheid) /Denknix via Christian/
- Basque [22] with Salvat in November
- List of twenty titles and matching covers of soon-to-appear [40] presented at Albert Rene Le site officiel
9.23 |
- Hebrew Cleopatra [6] /Yann/
- Asturianu llexonariu [10] /Carlos/
- Several covers of [40] added. /Renee, Carlos, Christian, Ismo/ Be patient: book appears end October.
- Now collected as #13 of Serbian Carobna containing [37-39]
8.23 |
- Turkish Alfa continues its new edition with [2].
7.23 |
- Ready for pre-order Bulgarian Астерикс [8] for august. /Christian/
6.23 |
- New publisher for Hebrew starts with [1] and a freshly styled אסטריקס logo. /Christian/
- Graffit issues a new Slovene edition of [12] /Christian/
- Continued: The English Compact Edition is "for sale only in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka & Pakistan"
- Dalen plans to publish [19] in Scottish Gaelic, and [13][14] in Irish. Also prepared in Irish are the illustrated albums (not listed here). /Renee/
5.23 |
3.23 |
- In Turkiye Alfa now is republishing the books, starting with [1] /Christian/
- ⚠ #40 L'Iris Blanc. New book apart from French, announced in German, Dutch, English, American English, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Polish, Mexican Spanish, Castilian, Catalan, Galician, Basque, Bable, Portuguese, Mirandese, and Greek. After those we get Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Turkish, Serbian, Slovene and Argentinian at the beginning of 2024. /Renee, Missive/
2.23 |
- Good to see Hindi Kliopaitraa [6] with Om Books. /Prabhat/
- The ten volume english "Compact Omnibus" announced for januari has been unlisted. (See 6'23)
- Hungarian Daughter [38] announced for March. /Christian/
1.23 |
- Added Basque [20] and [21] with Salvat/Bruño. /Christian/
12.22 |
- ⚠ 120! New language Aragonese from Salvat/Bruño. [1] /Yann/
- Lexionario [10] in Galician from Salvat/Xerais. /Renee/
- Romanian Editura Grafic [37] and [4][5] announced for 2'23. /Christian/
- Added South American Standard Spanish from Hachette Mexico [35-39] published in 2022. /Christian/
- ⚠ Book #40 will appear next october 26.10'23 (as expected) with new author Fabrice Caro aka Fabcaro (unexpectedly replacing Jean-Yves Ferri)
known for "mixing absurd humor and social satire" /Missive d'Astérix/
11.22 |
- Two titles in Irish from Dalen. [9][15] /Renee/
- Engish Asterix omnibus 13, books [37-39] from Sphere /Daniel/
- Turkish Grifon [39] from Alfa /Christian/
- Icelandic A. in Belgium [24] from Froskur /Christian/
10.22 |
- Asterix German Mundart. Three books for 2023. Ruhrdeutsch, Oberfränkisch and Meefränggisch.
- Listed for Jan 2023, Asterix Compact Omnibus, 10 volumes by English Sphere. No details. (See 6'23)
9.22 |
- Asturian Astérix y los normandos [9] /Xesús/
- Turkish Asteriks' new publisher starts. First [36][37] in September, then [38][39] in November, followed by the other books /Christian/
- US English omnibus #12 for 4th July 2023
- Announced for december: ⚠ new language! Walloon from Liège, amon lès Bèljes [24] of course /Jos, villageasterix/
7.22 |
- Czech Gryf [39] announced for 9.2022
- Mora announces [34] birthday in Hungarian for 9.2022 /Christian/
- Five-in-one gift edition, English with Sphere, from 10.2022
6.22 |
- Spanish (Argentina) el grifo [39] with Zorzal /Christian/
5.22 |
- Welsh Normans [9] with Dalen for 10.2022 /Yann/
4.22 |
- Greek Grypas [39] /Christian/
- For june Danish Griffen [39] (curiously, with a differently styled "G")
- Dunnerkeil [4] first Mundart Oberfrängisch appeared. Also [23] as Ruhrdeutsch #7.
- No Asterix surprises in Ehapa programm fall/winter 22/23. Reprint Latin Fossa Alta [25] for 3.2023
- Papercutz US English omnibus #10 and #11 for 2023 /Am***n/
3.22 |
- Slovenian Daughter [38] and Obelix&Co [23] with Graffit /Christian/
2.22 |
- Hungarian [33] with Mora /Yann/
- Uderzo titles and covers [25]-[34] added for Standard Spanish, by Hachette Mexico. Could not verify these differ from European Spanish.
1.22 |
- Afrikaans [37] and [38] announced for 2022 by Protea
- Bulgarian Kleopatra [6] with Artline
- Question: who is currently publishing Asterix in Turkish? The books are no longer presented at the Remzi website.
12.21 |
- U pripremi (in preparation): Serbian Asteriks i grifon [39] /Christian/
11.21 |
- Egmont Ehapa announces another three Mundarten for 2022: Oberfränkisch, Ruhrdeutsch and Wienerisch. Yep: ⚠ Oberfränkisch is a new one.
- Zorzal announces new titles [30]-[37] for "Argentinean" Spanish /Christian/
10.21 |
- Cover of #39 reveiled: French + 16 translations. /official site/
- Dalen has published this fall Irish [3][19], Scottish Gailic [7], Scots [7], and Welsh [3].
- ⚠ A brand new Mundart has been published in Öcher Platt (city of Aachen). (First that seems to be sponsored locally)
9.21 |
8.21 |
- Back to school [32] in Hungarian announced for September /Christian/
5.21 |
- Latraviata [31] in Icelandic /Christian/
- La hija de Vercingetorix [38] in South American Spanish.
Zorzal started reissuing the series, now also the missing titles are announced.
4.21 |
3.21 |
- Apart from two title issues with ekstramaterialet, Danish Cobolt started publishing the separate titles /Christian/
- Vietnamese Kim Dong last years reissued its books under a fresh cover, now is preparing a new title [6], planned for june /Huub/
- Afrikaans [24] by Protea /@ProteaBooks/
- Hungarian Latraviata [31] by Mora /Christian/
- Number 39 will be «Astérix et le griffon», or «Asterix and the griffin».
Announced are 16 translations for october (German, Dutch, Spanish, English, American English, Italian, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, Polish, Catalan, Galician,
Basque, Bable, Mirandais and Portuguese) and
for 2022 ✓Chech, Hungarian, ✓Greek, ✓Turkish, ✓Danish, ✓Serbian and Slovene will follow.
Then 2023 will see Chinese, Brazilian, ✓Argentinian and ✓Mexican. /Missive d'Astérix/
Originally to be published in Ukrainian (the country where the adventure takes place) but a horrible war thwarted this plan.
1.21 |
- New book [39] announced for 21 October 21. Will be a travel story. /offical asterix/
- Cleopatra [6] in Indonesian with Elex Media /Christian/
12.20 |
- The Serbian series with 3-in-1 books and two single story albums is now complete with the publishing of the last albums [25+26+27] [38] /Lazar/
- A Greek daughter of Versinzetorix [38] /Christian/
- US Papercutz announces three more omnibusses for 2021, books [13] through [21]. (Asterix and Caesar's Gift Agent?? as a mixed-up title in the provisionary cover.)
- (twentyfive years on the web)
11.20 |
10.20 |
09.20 |
- Three more Serbian titels published in one album: Vrač Pogadač [19], Asteriks na Korzici [20] and Cezarov Poklon [21] /Lazar/
- Welsh [27] (october) /Amazon/
- Czech [38] (october) /Christian/
- Hungarian [30] (this month) /Christian/
- Gallego [9] (october) /another Amazon/
- Caesar's laurels [18] in both Scots and Scottish Gaelic (october)
08.20 |
- Asturian: El combate de los xefes [7] August 2020 /Xésus/
- Expected autumn 2020: Astérix na tierra los britanos [8] autumn 2020.
6.20 |
- Serbian books 16-18 in one volume /Christian/
- Papercutz US omnibusses now scheduled #1,2 July'20 #3 Oct'20 #4 Feb'21 /Amazon/
- Three more books reissued by Kim Dong in VietNam, all clear for Cleopatra next? /Christian/
4.20 |
- Hindi [5] shown in the Missive of AR. No info!? Please Help. /Missive/
- Kölsch Mundart #82 /Comedix/.
2.20 |
- Bengali [13] is out with Ananda /Christian/
- Danish [38] announced for april 2020.
- Mora announces another Hungarian title [29]. /Christian/
Language updates < 2020 |